1)How do you mix a tertiary colour?
To make Blue-green which is a tertiary colour you mix an equal amount of blue and green to make Blue-green.
2) How do you make a colour neutral?
You have to mix in whites, blacks, browns into your colour to give it a certain tint.
3) How do you mix a shade of brown?
You mix complementary colours and you will make brown
4)“How does colour affect the viewer's reaction to Picasso’s “Celestina” in blue tones and in Kiki Smith’s “Virgin Mary” in red tones?
In Picasso's Celestina it makes me sad and cold because of the blues in the painting. In the Virgin Mary, it makes me a little scared because of all reds.
5) How does colour in these two works of art play a role in the reaction of the viewer?
If you see these works of art the viewer might feel the emotions of the artist like Picasso was sad when he painted Celestina.
6) How might other people’s associations with colour affect their perception of this
portrait?” (A2.1)
People might get confused with all the different colours that they used because they know all the tints and the viewers might not know all the colours.
7) Looking to your colour wheel, what are 3 areas you are most proud of and what are 3
areas if you had more time you would rework and why?
The 3 areas I'm most proud of are all my cool colours like my blue-green, green, yellow-green.
I would change my brush strokes and how they are somewhat messy, and my letters.
Progress shot

Progress shot

Finished colour weel